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Would you like to knit a wonderfully practical crochet shopping bag. It is a very practical accessory that takes up very little space in the storage area and grows as you put things in it. It will also reduce the use of unnecessary plastic waste. We can also use it as a beach bag or to carry our fabrics.
It is a very simple job, which is woven very quickly and with relatively little material (150 grams of cotton). Ideal to use all the remains of yarn they have. Since there is no written rule about the material and colors, they can be encouraged to play with their remains and combine them for a unique result.
Depending on the use they are going to give it, they can weave longer or shorter handles, place a lining or weave it in a more resistant or waterproof material depending on the objects that are going to be transported. It is ideal for gifting or selling.
MATERIALS: 150 gr. cotton (1.5 mm thick thread). crochet hook no. 3.5 mm. scissors. yarn needle.
SAMPLE: 10 arcs of 4 chains and 9 rows = 10×10 cm. Remember that these measurements correspond to the empty bag. As we place objects inside it, it changes size depending on the weight of the objects.
We will start knitting the base for 5 rows following the diagram (point 1 of the diagram), then we will begin to knit in net stitch, first with 2 chains, then with 3 and finally with 4. In the last rows of the body we will decrease (point 2 of the diagram). Finally we will weave the edge in half points. As we weave the edge we will also weave the handles. (point 3 of the diagram). On round 34 we will add a stitch to complete the 100 half stitches. Once we have our finished bag we will close the fabric and then we will hide the threads. Do not forget to close the magic or adjustable ring to prevent the bag from starting to disassemble from the base with use. This bag invites us to play with materials, sizes and colors.
Here are some ideas: They can knit it with any yarn, from cotton to acrylic. They can weave it in raffia or with trapillo. There are many options. Obviously the material will influence the final size and the resistance it has. This bag can be woven in stripes. They can weave the base and handles of one color and the body of another. They can weave the handles longer or shorter. They can also put lining. They can decorate it with key rings, pendants or sconces. Another option is to place a cord or a button to close it. Finally, they can weave another edge to it.
I hope you liked this very practical work.
Colorful bags that you can use in your shopping and gift them are waiting for you. Good Knits