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These crocheted purses are a sample of the genius in small figures that can be made using these techniques, to achieve this type of pieces you can use two different ways, which involve certain tools, one is crochet, which is highly recommended due to the simplicity in the generation of certain points, another way of weaving is with needles or sticks, this is more used when it comes to large elements such as quilts or rugs, however with both techniques the same products and garments are generated, in addition they can do works of different sizes since the mentioned tools exist in many measures.
There are ideas in hook-woven purses that are based on figures, from an animal to a vegetable or fruit, without a doubt the originality of these pieces surprises, to achieve these works to scale and in three dimensions is not something complex, everything is based on the point in which the piece is made, there are very simple points that as the color changes, the image is generated, for any type of fabric it is ideal to use a pattern, especially when it comes to a figure in three dimensions.
FUN DESIGNS IN HOOKED PURSES In the patterns, the precise number of points and rows that are needed to achieve the specific purse is specifically found, since there are a large number of models and sizes, there are even designs that are made as dolls or figures that are they integrate closures or snaps to transform them into purses, just like the following example where the segments or parts of a fruit are the designs, they certainly look great and work as a fun gift for a friend or mom.
Handmade purses are very simple, you just need to generate a square and close it, just like a bag, for this you just need to start a row of dots, which can be the size that depends on your needs, usually the purses are simple, something you should keep in mind for this, is the type of thread, due to the weight of the coins it is advisable to use resistant threads, the ideal is nylon, try not to use cotton or wool, which could break with the weight , because the stitches must be small, a thick thread cannot be used.
ANIMALS MADE SMALL PURSES Another type of hook knitted purses are those that have animal shapes, these are perfect for girls or boys, the idea of this is to have a place to store coins, they can even serve as piggy banks for savings, there are ideas to create everything type of animals, from an insect to the face of an elephant, a great example is the ladybug that is seen in the continuous image.
You can also make handmade wallets, not only with weaving techniques, but with many other materials such as fabric or plastic, the wallets are more rectangular, they usually start with 15 chains and from there the width of the piece is generated. up to the size that is required, if you are a beginner try to start with a simple stitch, in this way you will know the materials and the handling of the hook, with practice you will undoubtedly get to make totally original images.