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The model, which is made like a knitted Christmas socks model with base, does not slip, it fits comfortably.
If desired, you can leave a row of lace on the wrist and make a pom pom with laces. Bow knit Christmas booties booties numbers 37-38-39 Booties booties model number.
Those who want to knit Christmas booties over 37-38 and 39 can also prepare knitted booties 40-41 by adding 2 more loops than the given loops.
Or those who want to make it smaller can start with 2 missing points and do it as a 34-35-36- boot model.
Tricolor Christmas boot knitted by needle. Materials used in the socks model: 3 colors green, white, red rope ankle boots. Knitted Christmas boots with spikes number 3.
The new year begins with the Christmas booty model tying 92 bows with green rope.